Welcome to the DKK SEK history summary. This is the Danish Krone (DKK) to Swedish Krona (SEK) exchange rate history summary page, detailing 180 days of DKK SEK historical data from Monday 14/09
Unable to retrieve fresh rates at this time. Please try again later. Omvandla Dansk krona till Svensk krona
Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 30,2021 13:15 UTC. Full history please visit DKK/SEK History Omvandla Till Resultat Förklaring 1 DKK: SEK: 1,3660 SEK: 1 Dansk Krona i Svenska Kronor är 1,3660 för 2021-04-09 1.37639 sek = 1 dkk: 2 sek = 1.45308 dkk: 2.75277 sek = 2 dkk: 5 sek = 3.6327 dkk: 6.88193 sek = 5 dkk: 10 sek = 7.2654 dkk: 13.76387 sek = 10 dkk: 15 sek = 10.8981 dkk: 20.6458 sek = 15 dkk: 20 sek = 14.5308 dkk: 27.52773 sek = 20 dkk: 25 sek = 18.1635 dkk: 34.40967 sek = 25 dkk: 50 sek = 36.327 dkk: 68.81934 sek = 50 dkk 25 DKK = 34.53 SEK at the rate on 2021-04-01. kr 1 = kr1.38 +0.004396 (+0.32%) at the rate on 2021-04-01. The page provides data about today's value of twenty-five kroner in Swedish Kronor. Tabellen nedan visar växelkurs-historik mellan Dansk Krona (DKK) och Svensk Krona (SEK) mellan 2020-10-09 och 2021-04-07.
45.89 EUR = 342.47 DKK (Danish Krone) 45.89 EUR = 39.53 31, USD/SEK, 9,32, 9,29 (9,25), 9,12 (9,09), 9,04 (na) 34, DKK/SEK, 1,4, 1,41 (1,41), 1,39 (1,40), 1,38 (na) 20, Policy rates, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. Dansk Valuta, Danmark Valuta valutaomvandlare. DKK/SEK. Här räknar du snabbt om Dansk Valuta till SEK och tvärtom till en aktueller kurs.
This is result of conversion 790 Danish Krone to Swedish Krona. Convert 790 DKK in SEK to get actual value of this pair of currencies. We use international DKK/SEK exchange rate, and last update was today.
This is result of conversion 184 Danish Krone to Swedish Krona. Convert 184 DKK in SEK to get actual value of this pair of currencies. We use international DKK/SEK exchange rate, and last update was today. Online converter will show how much is 184 Danish Krone to Swedish Krona, and similar conversions.
DKK to SEK exchange rate Jan, 2021 and Danish Krone to Swedish Krona conversion data by Conversion Ai provides historical chart price for Danish Krone to Swedish Krona with easy to use tools like DKK to SEK converter to help you get the best DKK to SEK quote today. Currency converter to convert from 1 Danish Krone (DKK) to Swedish krona (SEK) including the latest exchange rates, a chart showing the exchange rate history … Convert 10,000 SEK to DKK with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Swedish Krona / Swedish Krona rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email. 1,00 Dansk krona =.
Currency converter to convert from 1 Danish Krone (DKK) to Swedish krona (SEK) including the latest exchange rates, a chart showing the exchange rate history …
SEK to DKK currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Swedish Krona to Danish Krone allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years. 108,025 DKK/SEK - 108,025 Danish Krone to Swedish krona. As of 13 April 2021, the current exchange rate of 108025 Danish Krone is equal to 148,368.12 Swedish krona. This is a decrease of -6.045158% (or -9,546.17 SEK) compared with the same time last year (13 April 2020), when 108025 Danish Krone equaled 157,914.29 Swedish krona.
Our app keeps you updated with the rate changes so you get the best deal every time you convert currency. It is a dynamic currency conversion tool that lets you turn 1 DKK into 1.38 SEK easily and accurately. 2021-04-07
1 dkk = 1.4565 Inverse: 0.6866 1.4160 Inverse: 0.7062
The Dollar firmed up overnight ahead of Friday's N.Y. session, though lost its footing late in the morning session.
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Full-featured chart. 1 Danish Krone = 1.3734 Swedish Krona · Currency Conversion Tables · Best Exchange Rate · Today's Change · Range of Change. Convert DKK to SEK using live exchange rates. Convert Danish Krone to Swedish Krona - Exchange Calculator April 2021.
Få mid-market-kurser i realtid, historiska kurser, data- och valutadiagram för DKK till SEK med XE Valutaomvandlare utan kostnad.
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Convert 10,000 DKK to SEK with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Danish Krone / Danish Krone rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
Slightly warmer PPI and a firmer U. Michigan sentiment report supported the USD briefly, … Current exchange rate SWEDISH KRONA (SEK) to DANISH KRONE (DKK) including currency converter, buying & selling rate and historical conversion chart.